"Special Olympics is the world's largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, providing year-round training and competitions to more than 3.1 million athletes in 175 countries. Alternating between summer and winter, the Special Olympics World Games are held every two years. Often the Games are the largest sporting event to take place in the World that year. There are also local, national and regional competitions in over 175 countries worldwide."
Undoubtedly, it was the greatest experience in my -23 years old- life! Not only i feel a better person, but i also met great people, great athletes and experienced really strong feelings. In the beginning, i had my doubts as i couldn't imagine how big those games would be, but in the end i realized why they call them "special olympics"; because when these athletes smile at you, they make you feel so "special"!!!
The Sailing Academy at Schinia beach was a magnificent place that made us all feel like a big family on vacation! Moreover, i have to say a great "thank you" to Mr. Antonis & Mr. Yiannis Kefallonitis who were our supervisors and treated us impeccably.
I feel as i have to say a lot, but, this time, i prefer to leave the photos talk by themselves!
*An amazing spontaneous photo taken by Nikos Alevromytis_me & the Special Olympic Hellas athlete Paraskeui Bekiaridou who managed, along with her escort Rania Parousi, to win the gold medal!
*Rania Parousi & Parakseui Bekiaridou (Level 1, 4.20).
*The most cute athlete Tasos Georgiou (Level 3, Laser Bahia) & his escort Makis Asvestaris.
*Me & the amazing "lover-boy"- athlete Hercules!!! (Level 3, Laser Bahia).
*The Markouizou sisters OR "the three volunteers" OR the most beautiful eyes in the whole venue!
*Giannis Kefallonitis._
*Special Olympic Hellas athlete Georgia Gkevezou (Level 1, 4.20) & her escort Stavroula.
*The Russian Special Olympic athlete with the great strength made us all talk about him!!! (Level 5, Laser).
*Olympic medalist Sofia Bekatorou & the "words are not enough to describe him" magnificent volunteer Nikolas!
*Special Olympic Hellas athlete Giannis Misirlakis (Level 1, 4.20).
*Special Olympics team USA, "the dancers".
*Special Olympics Spain athlete Alfredo (Level 3, Laser Bahia) & the volunteer Maria Kataki.
*Nikolas, "the carrot-holder"!
*Volunteer and fashion persona MadDy MaddaLaki, wearing Lego earrings made by Marina_i bought a pair of orange Lego earrings too!_For those who are interested Marina promised me to create a facebook page for her creations and she is going to name it "chili" or "tsilli"_for more stay tuned!
*Special Olympic Hellas athlete Georgia Gkevezou (Level 1, 4.20) & my boyfriend and Sports Presentation Supervisor Aris Romaios.
*and last but not least: "the family", Eva_the mother, Nikolas_the father & the child_Bookie Vourlaki!!!
Guys it was a great opportunity and experience for me to meet you all and i hope to see you again!!!