I think it was about time for this project to be completed and for these photos to be released. It is one of those cases that words are not enough, or even necessary, to describe the images that will follow; it is one of those cases that the pictures speak for themselves. Although there are certain things that have to become clear and, of course, several acknowledgements that have to be addressed.
Baroque_male: 17th cent.
Incroyables & Merveilleuses_female: 1793
Neoclassicism_female: 18th cent.
Neoclassicism_male: 18th cent.
Romanticism_male: 19th cent.
Romanticism_female: 19th cent.
Post-Romanticism_male: contemporary trends, influences & similarities (19th cent.)
The_turn_of_the_Century_female_sleeping_hat: 19th - 20th cent.
The_turn_of_the_Century_male_sleeping_hat: 19th - 20th cent.
Belle_Epoque_female: 1900 - 1910
First of all, the following pictures were made in order to complement and display properly a number of hats that i had constructed and stylized as part of my History of Costume module a few years ago. In my opinion, it was not only necessary, but also vital to capture those hats under a specific aesthetic and atmosphere. It is a group work, as it will be demonstrated from the several models, make-up artists and hair-stylists that took part, and whose names will be credited accordingly. However, i owe my gratitude and a big 'Thank You' to the photographer of those photos, Nicolas Andreou. After this particular collaboration, the endless hours of photo-shooting and the numerous e-mails, Nicolas has become for me something more than just-a-friend!
Honestly, i miss those days and would do it again and again, only to feel the joy of collaborating with such pleasant and artistic individuals.
Medieval_female: 5th - 15th cent.
model: Alicja_Troushi hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Katerina_Tsagaraki construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
Renaissance_male: 14th - 16th cent.
model: Spyros_Droussiotis make-up artist: Maria_Vez construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
Renaissance_female: 14th - 16th cent.
model: Emiliy_ P_ Boeva hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Gianna_Pappa construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Spyros_Droussiotis make-up artist: Katerina_Tsagaraki construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
dutch_Barodue_female: 17th cent.
model: Abbie_Boston make-up artist: Maria_Vez construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
'gothic'_Roccoco_male_hairstyle: 18th cent.
model: Andreas_Kravets hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Julia_Iliadou hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Gianna_Pappa construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Jordan_Rekeweg hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Maria_Vez construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Emiliya_P_Boeva hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Gianna_Pappa construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Spyros_Droussiotis make-up artist: Katerina_Tsagaraki construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Alicja_Troushi hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Katerina_Tsagaraki construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Spyros_Droussiotis make-up artist: Maria_Vez construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Emiliya_P_Boeva hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood make-up artist: Gianna_Pappa construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Spyros_Droussiotis make-up artist: Maria_Vez construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
model: Abbie_Boston make-up artist: Maria_Vez hairstyling: Constantin_Von_Blood construction & styling: Maro_Palamara photographs & edit: Nicolas_Andreou |
*and last but not least i have to personally thank my tutor and mentor Mika Panagou for her guidance, help and support, and for all these things that i've learned by her side.